It's time for a new giveaway :) This time I'm giving away a copy of The Host: A Novel by Stephenie Meyer. This is a brand new copy I picked up just to give away here!!
Now to get down to the business of THE RULES
- Open to residents of the US only.
- Leave a comment here - could it be any easier????
- You MUST LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS OR ACTIVE BLOG ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT. Any comment that DOES NOT INCLUDE this information WILL BE DELETED. I have to have a way to contact you if you win!!!!
- If you blog this contest and leave a link in your comment so I can check it out, you will receive an extra entry to the contest.
Contest ends at midnight on July 31st. I will pick the winner on Friday, August 1st. Good luck!
Count me in!
Oh, how I would love to win this book! I'll be honest: I haven't read any of the Twilight series! I recently bought Twilight but haven't gotten around to it yet. :D
I've been dying to read this book! Hopefully I win! :D
This is a great book. Not as good as the Twilight series, but definitely up there on the list.
I could use a new book. I'm almost done with the last pile I brought home from Goodwill
my brother said this was a great book. i wouldn't mind having it to read!
Love her Twilight series and would like the chance at this one! tWarner419@aol.com
I have heard good things about the Twilight series but I have not read any yet. Thanks for the chance.
Excellent choice for a giveaway! I already have a copy, so you don't need to enter me. I just wanted to commend you on your good taste -- I'm sure you'll get a huge response to this!
Roses are red
Violets are too.
Pick me please
I'd love it thru & thru!
Many thx.
this is a great contest
Please enter me, I love reading. Looks like a great book!
Books are the best!
Great Prize !
I heard this was a great new book; would love to read it myself.
I would be very interested in reading this book!
Oh my sister in law really really wants me to read this book! She just doesn't have a way of giving me this book, as the one that she read was her step-mom's. So if I win this, it would be awesome!
I love it.
Count me in. I love books.
I am totally interested. Enter me.
Looks like a great read. Count me in!
just send it
Oh, yay! I really want to read this one!!
I mentioned it on my blog, too:
My blog is www.breakingfourth.blogspot.com
I'm in!
Pick me! Pick me!! LOL
This book is on my must read list. I love Stephanie Meyers books. I really enjoyed the Twilight series. So I would be thrilled to win this. Thank you
i love to read.
Would love to win this! Looks like an intriguing book!
This book reminds me of the old Animorphs books as a kid where the yeerks took over people's bodies.
Count me in! :)
Thanks for the opportunity! :)
This book looks like a good book to take to the beach with me this summer. Thanks for the giveaway!
This is one of the books I'm looking forward to reading.
My daughter loves the Twilight series very much! I am sure this is a great book! delilahv17@hotmail.com
I am a real fan of Stephanie Meyer. I've read all of her Twilight series so far. I can't wait to read The Host! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Linda
love to win this
oh please pick me!!!
Lori I would love to win this! I linked you on my blog and my email is twinjackienurse@gmail.com
I love Stephanie Meyer! Her twilight saga is my favorite! When i first read it, i could not put it down and read all three in one week! I have been wanting to read this book ever since i heard about it! pls contact me at msphilippines209@comcast.net
I bought this but my daughter borrowed it (I'll never see it again) so I'd like one of my own. Thanks for the contest!
Have a nice Saturday.
Thanks for another book giveaway. I'm currently reading her Twilight series and I have The Host on my TBR list.
Would LOVE to win this...thanks for great contest!
Also...put you in my blogroll for extra entry at
THANK YOU!!!!!! :)
Good fantasy worlds are hard to come by. This one sounds as if it might succeed.
clynsg at yahoo.com
sounds like a good read
I'd love a chance to win! I'm posting to my blog, SomeReads too.
Ooh! I have this on my wish list!
I'd love to win! I read super fast, so I'm sure I'd finish this pretty quickly :)
Thank you for having this contest. I really appreciate it.
Pick me please!
Please throw my name in!
would love this book
I love her books! Thanks for the contest.
Oh, this sounds like something I would love to read! Thanks for giving us the chance to win!
I'm coming via LibraryThing, btw. A friend recommended this book to me a few weeks ago, so I have to enter :)
Sounds great! thanks for the chance.
count me in!
dwarzel at hotmail.com
I always love a good read!
I would like to win this book.
I'd love to win this book. Sounds really good!
Awesome Giveaway - www.andilit.com.
Will post about this tomorrow and come back with another comment and a link to the post. Thanks.
I like to read.
Thanks for the contest!
I blogged about your contest here: http://booked-books.blogspot.com/2008/07/loris-reading-corners-host-contest.html
Have a great day.
my daughter is a HUGE fan of her twilight series, she would love this!
awesome, I have just finish stephanie book,on the twightlight series. Oh my God I couldn't put the book down. I love her books!!!!!
virginia vorse
I never read the twilight series but i have been wantingto read this it sounds soooooo good
kerrisixtynine at gmaildotcom
This looks so great!
Love a chance to win
I love this book! I hope I win.
Oh, this one's on my dying-to-read list. Please add me!
Oooh, I love Stephenie Meyer!
I would love to win. Stephanie Meyer is a great author.
I could use a new book to read this summer - count me in
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I hear this book is good. I'd like to find out.
plentyofpaper234@aol.com (with Heather in the subject line, if you would please)
Wow, you hardly need me to post this at Win a Book for you. Look at all these entries! (No need to enter me; I'm just letting you know that I've posted this and I want to be as popular as you are!)
Sounds like a good book
I'm in! Thanks for the giveaway.
Book looks really good!
My daughter turned me on to Stephanie Myers. I have not read this one, but I would like to- Love the others!
I can't decide how I feel about this one. Will it be as good as the other series?
I would love to win. thank you!
Thanks for the contest!
books4ig at gmail dot com
wow :). I have been wanting to read this. Please count me in.
Count me in!!!
adanger (at) live (dot) com
We have all three Twilight series books and would love to read this one. Thank you!!
I would love to be entered in your contest!! photoquest(at)bellsouth(dot)net
Nice prize.
I would love to win this - I've been hearing such great things about this book!
fireball351c AT yahoo DOT com
heard many great things, im in
Thank you for this contest! My email is ahack25(at)gmail(dot)com
love reading.
I'm anxious to read this. I'd like to see what all the fuss is about!
I have yet to read The Host, even though I've read all the Twilight books so far! Please count me in! :)
bookvault (at) yahoo.com
oh, and I blogged about this contest! :)
I have heard about this book from a girlfriend of mine that I tend to swap books with, but she gave it to another friend who asked for it. So, I haven't had the opportunity to get my hands on a copy. I would love to win this.
Would love to win! collecting my winter reading
Oooh, I've been wanting to read this!
I'd love to win this one!
Consider me in too!
gautami dot tripathy at gmail dot com
Just a note to say I'd like to retract my entry. I actually won this book from another contest.
Thanks, sorry for the bother, and good luck to everyone else!
Wooo Hooo Make me a winner!
Thanks for the contest...this is great especially for a bookaholic like me who is building up her "To Be Read" pile to tide me over during my surgical recovery time. Having gastric bypass in 2 weeks and am super excited...Happy Monday to you.
Would love to win this - thanks!!!
Please throw my name in the hat for this one!
Thank You.
I want to read this book.
enter me!
Hello. =)
I already left a comment but I thought I'd let you know I blogged about it here:
I am absolutely dying to read this! aewalls425@hotmail.com
I *Really* want to read this book!
OohWould love to read this. Please count me in.
Would love to be entered.
YAY! The host, i hope i win i would really like to read this book i've read the other stephenie meyer books but not this one. Thanks for the giveaway--even if i don't win : )
I love you right now! I've been dying to get my hands on this book.
Thanks! I stumbled upon your site to read your review of Janelle Brown's "All We Ever Wanted Was Everything." Great blog! I'm definitely going to come back.
I'd love to read this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Great giveaway, Thanks!
dr_sr_zwen at hotmail dot com
I'd love to add this title to my reading loop!!!
Thanks for the chance, looks like a great read!
Thanks for hosting this contest. I blogged about it here:
trentonreads AT gmail DOT com
Ugghhh - sorry, I used the wrong URL. Try this one:
Stephanie Meyer is the BOMB! Thanks for the giveaway, I have read the Twilight Series three times, would love the opportunity to own this and read it too
Would love to win this book! Thanks :)
linda.la9@gmail.com, I blogged here:www.xanga.com/linya9
please enter me!
would love to be entered.
too bad I'm in Canada; I'm a bit skeptical of how well she'll write a "grown-up" book... (but I'm definitely looking forward to #4 of her Twilight series)
Please enter me. I would love to win this book. It will go nicely with my collection.
I would love to win this book! It sounds really good! Thank you!
mittens0831 AT aol DOT com
I'd love to win this. Thanks!
I would love to win! I haven't read anything by Stephenie Meyer yet and I would love to read this one as my first Stephenie Meyer book!
I blogged about your contest! Go here:
I love Stephenie Meyer! I would love to have a copy of the Host
I have this on my to read list!
I've heard this is very good.
would love to read it, heard alot about it!
I'm always looking for new books to read.
My daughter loves these books
I would love to win a copy of this book.
I would love to read this book
count me in.
I am dying to read this book!
looks like a good one add me please - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I'd love to read this! Enter me!
Looks good!
Thanks for such a great giveaway!
I started reading the first of the twilite series after I met Stephanie during her book tour in Salt Lake City and was duly impressed by her, not only as an author, but by her personality as well. She is sweet, well spoken, and wonderful to speak to. I would love to win this book as I've started to read her great works! pauline15_01at hotmail dot com
I'd love to have this book. Great author.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
I would LOVE to win !!
I've been looking forward to reading this book. Great giveaway~thanks!
angela67p at gmail.com
Heard about this book, suppose to be good!
lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com
My daughters, my mother and I have ALL read the Twilight series. Would love to see what else Ms. Meyers has for us
I really wanrt to read THe Host although I am a little worried it won't live up.
Would love to win this! I just finished reading the first 3 Twilight books and I need a new book to read now. Thanks!
This book sounds fascinating... count me in
ty 4 the great book contest!:)
Just saw this , would love to join in .Thank you! My email address is nataliew2@gmail.com.
Thank you for this giveaway!
My son and I were just discussing wanting to read this earlier today. Thanks for the chance.
Please count me in.
Thank you for the contest.
Love to win this!
zekebamm at yahoo.com
Wonderful giveaway. Thanks!
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