Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Book Giveaway ~ Knit The Season by Kate Jacobs ~ ARC

Knit the Season: A Friday Night Knitting Club Novel (Friday Night Knitting Club Novels) by Kate Jacobs

Knit the Season is a loving, moving, laugh-out-loud celebration of special times with friends and family. The story begins a year after the end of Knit Two, with Dakota Walker's trip to spend the Christmas holidays with her Gran in Scotland-accompanied by her father, her grandparents, and her mother's best friend, Catherine. Together, they share a trove of happy memories about Christmases past with Dakota's mom, Georgia Walker-from Georgia's childhood to her blissful time as a doting new mom. From Thanksgiving through Hanukkah and Christmas to New Year's, Knit the Season is a novel about the richness of family bonds and the joys of friendship.

Release date: November 3rd.

Here's how to enter ~

  • U.S. addresses only please
  • Leave a comment here with your email address or PBS ID (I need to have a way to get in touch with you!)
  • Follow my blog (on lower right sidebar) ~ get an extra entry
  • Rate my blog (on left sidebar)~ get an extra entry
  • Blog about it ~ get an extra entry
  • Tweet about it ~ get an extra entry
Contest open through October 15th. Winner will be announced on October 16th.


Anonymous said...

I read a previous book of hers &
really liked the Dakota character.
Please enter me in the drawing.

I am an email subscriber.


scottsgal said...

I love feel good holiday stories - please count me in

msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

already a follower

msboatgal at aol.com

Anonymous said...

I love to read

Suburban prep said...

I have read her previous books and Love Love!!
msgb245 at gmail dot com

I have been looking forward to this book.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I so want to read this book. Please enter me. I am a subscriber:

bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Love to knit and read

Anonymous said...

REading is my hobby-

Diane Baum

Lori (sugarandgrits) said...

Kate is a new author for me, but I love Christmas-themed books! I recently discovered that I like "knitting" books (thanks to Heidi Betts), so I'd enjoy a chance to read this one.

* Already a Follower

* Rated your blog

* Blogged about it here:


Thank you!
~ Lori


Libby's Library said...

I've never read a book by Kate Jacobs. Thanks for the giveaway.

I'm already a follower.


Mary said...

I love a good Christmas book that leaves you feeling good and just in the mood for the season.


5webs said...

I have heard a lot of good things about this author and her books, so please count me in as interested in winning a copy of her latest. Thanks.
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I rated your blog
Alicia Webster

5webs said...

I Tweeted this giveaway (5webs)
Alicia Webster

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good book.

souldolphindream said...

Nothing better than a good book with a hot cup of cocoa to get you in the holiday mood.


mverno said...

i read all the time mverno@roadrunner.com

SusanB said...

Would love to read this book. Sounds really good.

SusanB said...

I follow your blog.

JJO said...

Hey Lori! I also added your blog to my igoogle page...I love getting my Reading Corner fix there!

Pat said...

I'm an avid reader and would love to win this!

mmentor said...

sign me up

Andrea said...

I would love to read the last book by Kate Jacobs! Please enter me

~I follow you
~ And I blogged about the contest here.


Anonymous said...

Love this author. Please enter me.


Unknown said...

I love Kate Jacobs' books!
I'm a subscriber and I rated your blog.

Chelsea S said...

I would love this. Thanks.


randio said...

I loved her previous books, I'm sure that this one won't disappoint!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered. Thanks.

carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

marthajane said...

I like her books, so please enter me. I'm always looking for something good to read.

Karen B said...

Sounds like a perfect Holiday read!

Karen B said...

Blog follower.

Karen B said...

I rated your blog.

Anonymous said...

Please count me in this fabulous giveaway...I enjoy Kate Jacobs novels. thanks.

karen k

Anonymous said...

I'm a subscriber :)

karen k

Sunnyvale said...

This would be nice to have.

Margie B said...

I've read all of Kate Jacobs' books and would love to have this one as well.


Deborah Wellenstein said...

I would very much like to read this book. Thanks!

Tarah said...

I haven't read this series yet but it sounds interesting!


pinkcypress said...

Add me to your list :)

Unknown said...

I would love to read this book Please enter me Thanks

Nickolay said...

Sounds like a great Fall read. Thanks for the chance


paryjeja said...

I would love to read this.
paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

clynsg said...

Sounds as if I need to read the first one--maybe if I won this one, the other would jump to the top of my TBR pile.

clynsg at yahoo.com

clynsg said...

Blog follower

clynsg at yahoo.com

clynsg said...

Rated your blog

clynsg at yahoo.com

Book Dragon said...

I would LOVE to win this! I didn't now about it and am putting it on my wish list, just in case ;-)

bookdragonslair at gmail dot com

* U.S. address
* Leave a comment here with your email address
* Follow my blog
* Blog about it sidebar at bookdragonslair.com

mrsshukra said...

I would like to be entered!


mrsshukra said...



mrsshukra said...

I rated your blog!


Chelsea S said...

Please enter me. Thank you!


-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

im a follower.


-- Chelsea

Chelsea S said...

I rated your blog.


-- Chelsea

Anonymous said...

I always appreciate a sweepstakes that gives away books. I read all the time.
Thank you.

May Schultz

holdenj said...

Please count me in, I love a holiday themed read!

holdenj said...

I rated your blog!


holdenj said...

I'm a follower.
Thanks for the extra chance to win!

LittleEagle said...

I always enjoy a feel good story. sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Kristi said...

I would love to win this - Kate Jacobs is coming to our library next month and I am so excited!

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Kristi said...

I am a follower.

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Kristi said...

I rated your blog.

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Kristi said...

I tweeted - http://twitter.com/kherbrand/statuses/4800941567

kherbrand at comcast dot net

1993wel said...

I've read Kate Jacobs' other books and would really enjoy the opportunity to get a sneak peek at her newest Friday Night Knitting Club series book!

Knittingdancer on Ravelry said...

Please enter me in the drawing. I have read all of her other books and thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

idahomom said...

Looks like a good read.

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

Yes I want to read this!!

dancealert at aol dot com

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

I'm a follower!

dancealert at aol dot com

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

Rated your blog

dancealert at aol dot com

dancealertreads.blogspot.com said...

Am posting this to my blog before leaving your page --

dancealert at aol dot com

Turtle said...

would love to continue her story! with this cold weather my holiday spirit has started early!

i am an email subscriber!
(sorry not a twitter)


Mia J. said...

I have really enjoyed her other books and would love to read this one too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love Kate Jacobs' books. I met her a few months ago, and she's very personable.

Alicia said...

Looks good.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

TripletMom said...

I'm a new follower & I rated your blog. Thanks for a great contest!

godfreya at earthlink dot net

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

what a lovely giveawya!! thank you so much!

Beverly said...

I'm reading friday night knit club right now. i also rated the blog and signed to follow. i majored in lit so reading is also a love of mine (as well as writing and knitting)

I've done a review of your blog on my blog http://knittersrestaurant.blogspot.com

Erica G said...

Count me in, please!

egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win Kate's new book. Perfect timing for the holidays. Have read most of her others ... in fact she even joined my book club in a live chat for Knit Two.... awesopme books, awesome lady .


Ellie Wright said...

I need some good holiday books so would love this. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I'm already a follower.
eswright18 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Autumn!


Anonymous said...

Hi, would love to win this book. Doubtful though with all the entries. I loved FNKC and Knit Two.


Sara said...

Would love to be entered. :)

Suchatragedy05 (At) Yahoo (dot) com

(the 0 before the 5 is a zero)

I also rated and became a follower.

Trudy said...

Thanks for entering me! Trudy @

Renee G said...

I loved the earlier books, so I'm sure this one is great as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm an avid knitter, and recently found out about all of Kate Jacobs books. I'd really love to read this one!

Sheila Hickmon said...

I would like to read this, please enter me!

Pamela S said...

I've read both of the first two books in this series and would LOVE to win this one (crossing my fingers!!) Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

Pamela S said...

I'm already a follower. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

squiggi said...

please enter me

CherylS22 said...

I rated your blog

Kathy P said...

Thank you for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY.. Please count me in :)

klp1965 at myfairpoint dot net

lknott said...

Not read any of her books. Would enjoy the chance to gain a new author. Love Christmas books and movies. Thanks for the chance to win!


susansmoaks said...

i haven't read any of her books, but i would love to read this one

susansmoaks said...

i am a follower

Kathy said...

Sounds like a great book to curl up with on a snowy day!

Candie L said...

I have heard of her, but have never read her work. THank you


Unknown said...

Sounds like a really good read! Thanks for the chance!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

js22 said...

this book sounds wonderful!

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

js22 said...

I follow your blog on google friends connect.
I follow your blog on blogger -js22 .

js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

js22 said...

tweet: http://twitter.com/js22222222/status/4905572304

email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Nancy S. said...

Thanks for offering another book that sounds like a good read.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I follow your blog.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said...

I tweeted.
ncschools at yahoo dot com