Murder on Lexington Avenue (Gaslight Mystery)
by Victoria Thompson
In Thompson's fine 12th mystery set in turn-of-the-20th-century New York City (after 2009's Murder on Waverly Place), Det. Sgt. Frank Malloy investigates the murder of Nehemiah Wooten, who was bludgeoned with a loving cup Wooten won for sculling at Harvard more than 30 years earlier. A follower of Alexander Graham Bell's views on eugenics, Wooten was opposed to two deaf people getting married on the grounds that such unions would produce only deaf offspring, an attitude that earned him an enemy within his own home. Wooten's attractive 16-year-old daughter, Electra, who could not hear, was hoping to marry a deaf teacher. When Malloy visits Wooten's pregnant widow and her water breaks, he calls in midwife Sarah Brandt. Thanks to her access to the victim's household, Sarah proves invaluable in helping him uncover the killer.(From Amazon)
Release date: June 1, 2010
Check back soon for my review
FTC Full Disclosure ~ The publisher sent me this books in the hopes I would review it.
I'm a new follower and just wanted to say Hello! I love your blog!
This book has peaked my interest recently. I'm looking forward to your review!
I LOVE this series! my favorite characters are Maeve and Mrs. Ellsworth. I am so looking forward to reading this book! I recently found the audiobooks at my library and am listening to them, too.
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