Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Fill Ins

And here we go......

1. Apparently there's some sort of miracle happening today.

2. Finally a sunny day.

3. 2009 hasn't been that bad so far.

4. And that was it.

5. For too long I've been sad .

6. I am not obsessed with Steve Madden, Louis Vuitton, Prada, books; I am not!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe seeing my new niece, tomorrow my plans include seeing my new niece if I don't tonight, reading and chillin' and Sunday, I want to relax, read and sleep!


Yvonne said...

We had the same answer for #2. Hope you have a good weekend!

Jess said...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Today is gorgeous out, and this weekend is supposed to be even better.

By the way, I passed an award on to you here.

Ruth King said...

I'm not obsessed with books, either. Really. Those wall to wall bookshelves in my bedroom? That's to make up for the poor insulation in that part of the house. ;)