Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins we go!

1. Finishing a great book feels great.

2. The solution is you'll have to figure that out yourself.

3. OMG I WISH I could fall asleep.

4. How about them apples.

5. SLEEP is something I highly recommend!

6. Imagine that.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hopefully sleeping, tomorrow my plans include taking Sadie to the groomer, food shopping, reading, relaxing, reading and relaxing and Sunday, I want to do more reading and relaxing!


gengen said...

Oh you really is a reader just like hubby he will not get out of the room unless the one he read already done. Happy Fill-ins.

Literary Feline said...

Yes, finishing a great book is a wonderful feeling! I hope you have a great weekend and are able to fit in a little reading. :-)

Bellezza said...

Finishing a book does feel great; even better? Finish a book or two a week now that it's summer! Happy Reading!

Lover Of Romance said...

Reading and relaxing are the perfect way to go!!! That is how my Sunday will be looking for tomorrow too!!!

I have a award for you Here

Happy Reading!!!

kavyen said...


SLEEP is something I highly recommend! - Just my thoughts as well :)