And now for this months AWESOME giveaways ~
JB Stanley is offering up a Battered Body Gift Basket (that will include a signed copy of THE BATTERED BODY, a buttercream-scented candle, gourmet cake mix, and other edible goodies) and Lorna Barrett is contributing a signed copy of BOOKMARKED FOR DEATH!

To enter: Send us an E-MAIL ( foodfiction AT ) by APRIL 1st with the subject line MARCH CONTEST and tell us a
bout your favorite baked goods! Recipes, stories...all are welcome! Again, the grand prize winner will be chosen at random, but who knows...? There might just be bonus winners again. :)

I've posted this on Win a Book.
Thanks for the great contest! (I emailed in an entry.)
Please include me in your giveaway.
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